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Results for “reminiscing”

What America Means to Me

I was 8-years-old and in the second grade in 1976, the Bicentennial Year for the United States. The small town I lived in had an essay contest with the subject “What America Means to Me.”

My fiercely jingoistic writing1 won second place, which was a silver dollar, and I got to read my essay in front of the town council. My mom saved it and gave it to me a few years ago.

Here’s that essay:

America is a loving union on earth and beautiful. Im glad christopher columbus found it. With people helping each other and sharing... More

Yes, please, 50 cents!

There’s teachers you remember, and teachers you remember. And I remember my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. VeVea.

Basically it’s because I disliked her intently. Dreaded going to school disliked. Was terrified of her disliked. Hated is probably a more accurate term.

She was a strict disciplinarian, a thin-lipped disapproving woman with the demeanor of a drill sergeant and the same tragic Brillo Pad hairstyle as TV painter Bob Ross.

Her favored punishment was to make students “write words” 1 a la Bart in The Simpsons opening credits. She would start students off with five sentences and escalate with each... More